The Harbor Hills community, which is comprised of residents, members and employees, is proud to live, work and play in Lake County. Our community prides itself on taking care of each other and our fellow residents by putting into action a charitable spirit.The following is a summary of our contributions to local non-profit organizations, religious organizations, as well as local businesses. We believe this information is an important component of recognizing the good deeds of all who worked on behalf of our Harbor Hills family to make our Lake County community better.
It is also worthy of offering special recognition of our Harbor Hills Ladies Charity. This special group of ladies works tirelessly every year to provide further charitable support, and their contribution are detailed below in this statement. Contributions include: golf donations, food and beverage donations, employee labor, waived/reduced rooms, gift certificates, in-kind contributions, monetary donations and reduced golf rates for tournaments.
Boys and Girls Club of Lake & Sumter Counties
Scott Strong Foundation (Educational Foundation of Lake County)
For Kids’ Sake:
Animals and/or Wildlife Conservation:
Village Critters
Civic, Business and Government:
Other Non-Profit Organizations:
Muscular Dystrophy Association
Value Totals:
Room rates waived/discounted: $12,350
Food and Beverage donations/reductions: $22,100
Reduced golf rates for tournaments: $19,600
Rounds of golf donated: $7,200
Brunch certificates donated: $1,000
Monies donated: $5,800
Monies raised via direct event participation: $8,787.62
Donated Labor: $6,000
Grand Total: $95,187.62
Harbor Hills Ladies Charity:
The Ladies Charity season runs every year from June-May. Last season, this amazing group of women collected $21,900.00.
Their activities throughout the year include:
December - Golf Tournament
February - Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner
March- Clothing Sale at the Lady Lake United Methodist Church
April - Garage and Bake Sale. Monies dispersed as follows:
Food pantries (Christian Food Pantry in Lady Lake and The House of Esther in Weirsdale)
The Community Clinic in Leesburg
The Haven
They maintain a $1,500.00 Emergency Fund at both Fruitland Park and The Villages Elementary Schools
Support for the Lake Hills School in Howey-in-the-Hills.