The first Monday in September is Labor Day. This special day honors the American labor movement. It pays tribute to the working men and women who help our economy prosper. Originating in 1882 as a "Workingman's Holiday," it honors the industrial foundation of our great county.
Could those hardworking men and women ever imagine how labor has changed? Today's technology has altered every aspect of familiar tasks. Facetime and Zoom visits supplement real-life visits with out-of-state family. Doctor visits can be managed online.
Speak into your television remote to select a program. Remember getting off the couch to change the channel? Outings to the movie theatre are replaced by shows streaming on our devices. An entire season of weekly episodes can be binge-watched in one weekend. Online platforms such as Facetime, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, TikTok, and WhatsApp are where many share their lives and opinions in the digital age. Much has been gained. Much has been lost.
To recall the original spirit of Labor Day, give yourself the day off from your daily tasks. Log off the computer, tablet, and cell phone that tether you to cyberspace. Relax with friends, take a walk, or enjoy any device-free activity you choose.
Harbor Hills Country Club members and guests are celebrating Labor Day in style. Red, white, and blue-decorated carts wind down our picturesque fairways in a four-person scramble. A traditional Labor Day cookout follows.
Honor those hardworking Americans we celebrate today. Stay safe, and welcome to our returning residents and those new to our area.