August is Water Quality Month and it’s the perfect time to think about nearby Lake Griffin State Park. Conservation of our state’s resources is on everyone’s mind. Florida is ranked #1 with the most people moving in daily at 1,218 new residents! A short seven miles from Harbor Hills, Lake Griffin State Park encompasses 620 acres and offers a variety of educational and fun experiences. It is a separate entity from Emeralda Marsh.Protecting and restoring our natural resources is the mission of a local volunteer group called Friends of Lake Griffin State Park. This non-profit organization offers morning and afternoon eco-tours, a moonlight tour under the full moon, and Kayak 101 classes. Two miles of hiking trails provide unique landscapes. State-certified paddle tour guides lead the outings and offer insight into our extraordinary state's history, cultural and recreational resources.Linda Morrison is on the Friends Board of Directors. She is one of fourteen paddle guides. Exploring the Dead River Marsh by kayak is an activity she enjoys sharing with visitors. “Be on the lookout for a wide variety of raptors, shore birds and songbirds,” Linda explains, “and look for trees, plants and flowers in their seasonal foliage.” Guides also talk about the native people and early settlers who lived off the land. The park staff and water management personnel carefully control invasive plant and snail species to maintain water quality.The “real” Florida is a complex and fragile system that is essential to our quality of life and survival. Visit for tour information.