Harbor Hills Ladies Charity
The Harbor Hills Ladies Charity has a long history of helping local causes in a big way. In 1991, a group of Harbor Hills women sponsored a golf tournament to raise funds for local charities. Since then, the desire to make a difference has grown over the years.
Board members for the 2023-2024 season are President Sue Hritz, Vice President Janet White-Cofer, Secretary Karen Edmiston, Treasurer Suzanne Lubera, and Philanthropy Phyllis Leonard. Much appreciation to outgoing President Leslie Nisun for a spectacular 2022-2023 season.
The charity has no overhead. President Sue Hritz explains that all money raised by the nonprofit Harbor Hills Ladies Charity goes directly to organizations in our community. The Christian Food Pantry of Lady Lake, the Haven of Lake and Sumter Counties, Fruitland Park Elementary School, Villages Elementary of Lady Lake, and Lake Hills School are a few of the local organizations receiving proceeds. A charity new to the effort this year is Beacon College. The college is committed to helping students with learning disabilities, ADHD, dyslexia, or other difficulties.
Harbor Hills ladies are invited to the Charity’s Ladies Brunch on Monday, October 30. Upcoming events and volunteer opportunities will be announced at that time. The December 3rd Annual Holiday Golf Tournament and Dinner is the Charity’s premier fundraising event. Food drives will be held in January and April. A new activity, The Kentucky Derby Party, will be held on Saturday, May 4th. Help us make a significant difference in our community. The Harbor Hills Ladies Charity welcomes you