2024 Sider Cup Champions
Harbor Hills’ premier golf event, the Sider Cup, was a huge success. Larry Coburn, MGA President, explains that the matches were close in all three rounds of play. It came down to the last few matches to determine the winner. This year, for the second year in a row, the Red team pulled off the victory with a score of 27½ to 24½. This year's Red team Captain was Anthony Mancuso. Steve Hritz was Captain of the Blue team. Captains for 2025 are Lee Bower, Red team, and Jay Delcamp, Blue team. We are looking forward to another great season of golf at Harbor Hills. We encourage all Harbor Hills members to join our Men's Golf Association and enjoy the fellowship.
Becky Hanner was the Chair for the Ladies Red/Blue Tournament again this year. The Blue team kept their winning title with a score of 317.3. The Red team was not far behind, with a score of 319.6. Linda Reyonne, President of the HHLGA, prepared the pairings. Denise Collier and Karen Manix created the beautiful centerpieces for the luncheon held after the tournament.
Congratulations to the winners of the 2024 Leimberger Cup (formerly the Lake County Cup) to Eustis High School (boys) and South Lake High School (girls). Tom Leimberger is the Harbor Hills’ Director of Golf. He is a certified PGA Professional focusing on teaching, coaching, and player development. Tom’s support of youth golf is well-known in our community. “Junior golf is the future of the game,” he says. Tom was instrumental in starting the Lake County Cup back in the ’90s. After many years working in Junior Golf, the prestigious Lake County Cup has been renamed after him. We are so proud of Tom for his dedication to our area's youngsters and aspiring golfers.